One of the concepts from Jaak Panksepp’s work that was given short shrift in the first Your Resonant Self book was the SEXUALITY circuit, and its contribution to full maturity and authenticity. No matter the level of our sexual interest or activity, this circuit is important for well-being. The contracts that diminish this circuit diminish our life energy and our sense of potential contribution. We will work with these contracts in these two classes and practice supportive resonance skills to help with both personal issues and internalized oppression from the way that society judges and ranks bodies in terms of mattering.
Join Sarah for two weeks, on September 1 and 29, 2022, 10:30am-12:00pm Pacific Time. Part of an extended journey into Your Resonant Self Workbook, diving deep into chapter 12.
- This class meets via zoom
- Purchase includes an invitation to two live classes, and event access to download the recording and any materials.
- Part of The Your Resonant Self Extended Journey: A Yearlong Journey of Resonance and Unconscious Contracts