The 2021 Neuroscience and Resonance Monthly Series

Sarah presents a monthly 90-minute deep-dive into the latest neuroscience research and how we might apply it to resonant healing. Each webinar is a powerful synthesis of science and practical application, offering a skills-based path for compassion, understanding and healing our brains. 

January 2021 – December 2021 Topics:

The Neuroscience of White Fragility

When we have privilege, and someone tells us that the system we are a part of is causing harm, we often respond with dismissal, denial, counterattack and defensiveness. And since one of the systems within which we live in the Global North is a prioritization of white bodied people around almost every resource, when white people are told about their participation in white supremacy, we run into the defensive response that we call “white fragility.”

Join Sarah to explore the research around privilege and defensiveness, and take away self-compassion and resources to be able to participate more fully in anti-racism.

  • This pre-recorded webinar includes 90 minutes of content followed by some Q&A.
  • Purchase includes access to the recording + slides, including research citations when relevant.
  • This webinar was part of Sarah’s 2021 Neuroscience and Resonance monthly series. Purchase access to the full series for all of the webinars at a discounted price.

Gaslighting: Understanding and Healing from Abuse

When someone else creates an alternate reality within which we feel crazy, and causes us to doubt our own sanity, this is called Gaslighting. What happens in the brain of the Gaslighter, and what happens in the brain of the person receiving the Gaslighting?  What role do structural and contextual power dynamics play in these interactions? And what are the aftereffects of having our sense of reality shaken, and how do we heal?

Join Sarah Peyton and Jaya Manske for an exploration of what we know about gaslighting and steps for recovery.

  • This pre-recorded webinar includes 90 minutes of content followed by some Q&A.
  • Purchase includes access to the recording + slides, including research citations when relevant.
  • This webinar was part of Sarah’s 2021 Neuroscience and Resonance monthly series. Purchase access to the full series for all of the webinars at a discounted price.

Conspiracy Theories and Political Extremism: Understanding Brain Behavior in an Uncertain World

What is happening in our brains when conspiracy theories and political extremism become satisfying? What do we know about the political brain and how the current world situation affects us? Knowing our own brains and understanding the brains of others brings us patience and compassion in a world that is rife with violence and oppression.

Join Sarah to discover what we know and how to leverage our new knowledge.

  • This pre-recorded webinar includes 90 minutes of content followed by some Q&A.
  • Purchase includes access to the recording + slides, including research citations when relevant.
  • This webinar was part of Sarah’s 2021 Neuroscience and Resonance monthly series. Purchase access to the full series for all of the webinars at a discounted price.

“I have been a webinar subscriber for 5 years now and these are the BEST webinars in the industry! Sarah translates complex neuroscience concepts into interesting and relevant material, combining research-based knowledge with warmth and compassion. Highly recommended.”

– Olga Nguyen, Certified Trainer with Centre for Nonviolent Communication


Alarmed Aloneness: Healing Anxiety and Loneliness with Resonance

One of the most common unnamed conditions in humans is Alarmed Aloneness, especially in western capitalist cultures that value and encourage self-sufficiency and hyper-individualism. For many people, this experience begins in childhood and, because what is unnamed for our bodies persists until it is known and resonated with, loneliness can continue for decades.

During the restricted living conditions of the 2020 pandemic in North America, Alarmed Aloneness has become even more widespread, and includes both the hunger for emotional connection and the “skin hunger” for touch and body warmth. The more we learn about our bodies and our brains as we deal with loneliness, the more we know about how to take care of ourselves with warmth and compassion.

In this 90-minute session, we’ll learn, accompany ourselves and take away resources for self-warmth.

  • This pre-recorded webinar includes 90 minutes of content followed by some Q&A.
  • Purchase includes access to the recording + slides, including research citations when relevant.
  • This webinar was part of Sarah’s 2021 Neuroscience and Resonance monthly series. Purchase access to the full series for all of the webinars at a discounted price.

The Neuroscience of Inflammation: What Can Resonance Bring?

It often seems like inflammation, the immune system’s healing response, brings more trouble than it brings help. We know a lot about managing inflammation with drugs and diets and exercise, but what do we need to know about the relationship between resonant support and inflammation? How does emotional work and connection rebalance the immune system?

Join Sarah for the latest research about health and resonance, and to learn processes to bring our warm and understanding presence to our own bodies in support of a balanced and healing inflammatory response, and to have a deeper knowledge of how to clear inflammation from our systems, when the time is right.

  • This pre-recorded webinar includes 90 minutes of content followed by some Q&A.
  • Purchase includes access to the recording + slides, including research citations when relevant.
  • This webinar was part of Sarah’s 2021 Neuroscience and Resonance monthly series. Purchase access to the full series for all of the webinars at a discounted price.

Spiritual Bypassing and Toxic Positivity: The Neuroscience and Complexity of Nonduality

The purpose of many spiritual and contemplative practices is to invite our brains into direct experience with the divine. How is it possible that this innocent pursuit could actually have negative consequences for our relationships with others and with ourselves? And what about having a positive outlook – could that actually have a negative impact?

When spiritual practice is used to sidestep real-world challenges and unrest, whether internal or external, and when we advocate the use of positive thinking to mask injustice and genuine challenges, we are entering the territory of spiritual bypassing and toxic positivity.

In this webinar, we will look at the brain benefits and the drawbacks of positivity and connection with the divine. We will leverage the research to understand how both approaches can help us and draw us ever closer to a mystical relationship with paradox, and we’ll explore how holding paradox can join us even more intimately with others and to something greater than self.

  • This pre-recorded webinar includes 90 minutes of content followed by some Q&A.
  • Purchase includes access to the recording + slides, including research citations when relevant.
  • This webinar was part of Sarah’s 2021 Neuroscience and Resonance monthly series. Purchase access to the full series for all of the webinars at a discounted price.

“Working with Sarah, my body has changed from being a highly reactive one with panic attacks and anxiety into a calm, peaceful and resilient body. Through Sarah Peyton’s work I have learned to listen to my witness self and give kindness to myself in times of challenge. My nervous system has changed as a result of the practices learned from Sarah Peyton. I highly recommend her!”

– Carol Lindsay​

Lessening Stress: Bringing Resonance to Cortisol and Adrenaline

The most common dilemma for us as humans, living in the modern world, is the dilemma of stress, which increases at the intersections of marginalization and socio-economic oppression. We need to be able to be responsive to difficult situations, and we also need to be able to turn off our responses, since without an off switch, in this turbulent world, we can never rest.

How does resonance enable us to find and operate our off switch, and to be able to have a healthy stress response so that we can survive this life with as much ease and fluidity as possible?

Join Sarah for this exploration of healthy living in our difficult world.

  • This pre-recorded webinar includes 90 minutes of content followed by some Q&A.
  • Purchase includes access to the recording + slides, including research citations when relevant.
  • This webinar was part of Sarah’s 2021 Neuroscience and Resonance monthly series. Purchase access to the full series for all of the webinars at a discounted price.

The Neuroscience of Overwhelm: Understanding and Healing with Resonance

What is the neurobiology of overwhelm? What happens with our brains when too much is happening, or has happened to us? How are we affected, what do our neurotransmitters do, and what is the best way to cope with this experience? How can resonance support us when the world is moving too fast and events are accumulating more quickly than we can process?

Join Sarah in an exploration of this very common experience of too-much-ness.

  • This pre-recorded webinar includes 90 minutes of content followed by some Q&A.
  • Purchase includes access to the recording + slides, including research citations when relevant.
  • This webinar was part of Sarah’s 2021 Neuroscience and Resonance monthly series. Purchase access to the full series for all of the webinars at a discounted price.

Healing the Long Shadow of Shame

When we feel shame, what is the cascade of neurochemicals and physical responses that makes us feel so bad? Where does it come from? How long can it last? What is toxic shame and where does it come from? And what do we need to know about unconscious contracts that will help us on our healing journey?

  • This pre-recorded webinar includes 90 minutes of content followed by some Q&A.
  • Purchase includes access to the recording + slides, including research citations when relevant.
  • This webinar was part of Sarah’s 2021 Neuroscience and Resonance monthly series. Purchase access to the full series for all of the webinars at a discounted price.

“For as long as I can recall, I have struggled with and been ruled by my anxiety, confusion and fear. The information Sarah shares, and the way she shares it has changed me – literally. More than ever before I am able to be calm, clear headed and lovingly proactive in response to how I feel – what a relief! I feel liberated and as if I am finally able to be the self I always imagined I was, could be and am. I highly recommend exploring Sarah’s work.”

– Katherine Betts

Corporal Punishment: Healing from Physical Abuse

Sometimes people believe that spanking is not harmful, but mounting research shows us a very different picture. If we were treated in this way, what are the implications for our brains? If we treated our kids in this way, what can we do now?

What is the line between corporal punishment and physical abuse? What does cultural conditioning and intergenerational trauma have to do with what we find acceptable, or not, for supporting children to learn and grow? And what are the brain effects of physical abuse? And how can we heal?

Join Sarah for a 90 minute journey through knowledge, self-compassion and healing.

  • This pre-recorded webinar includes 90 minutes of content followed by some Q&A.
  • Purchase includes access to the recording + slides, including research citations when relevant.
  • This webinar was part of Sarah’s 2021 Neuroscience and Resonance monthly series. Purchase access to the full series for all of the webinars at a discounted price.

Heart Rate Variability: Leaning into our Healing with HRV

New research shows us that trauma and chronic stress have an effect on our Heart Rate Variability (HRV), which is how much time we have between one heartbeat to the next). Understanding our own HRV is one of the most direct ways we can understand and measure our moment to moment psychological, emotional, cognitive, and social health.

This webinar covers: What Heart Rate Variability is and how it’s impacted by stress, HRV and how it’s impacted by depression and trauma, and how HRV is changed by the healing we do.

With new technology easily available to help us understand and track our HRV, what are the implications of this indicator? How can we leverage what we learn about HRV to direct us along our healing path?

  • This pre-recorded webinar includes 90 minutes of content followed by some Q&A.
  • Purchase includes access to the recording + slides, including research citations when relevant.
  • This webinar was part of Sarah’s 2021 Neuroscience and Resonance monthly series. Purchase access to the full series for all of the webinars at a discounted price.

FREE: Sarah’s 2021 Process Work Exploration: Releasing the Mother’s (and Father’s) Gaze

Every year Sarah takes the newest process that she has been exploring and brings it to the public to savor and experience along with her. We never know what will be unveiled at this annual, exciting webinar, free to the public.

Do you ever have the sense that your parents don’t really see you? When you look at yourself through your mother’s or father’s eyes, do you feel disappointed, sad, unworthy or inadequate? Do you long to be able to fully and truly live your own life in its own emergent unfolding?

Watch Sarah Peyton’s 2021 free process work webinar to explore releasing the unconscious contracts we have to both see ourselves through our parents’ eyes and to stay where our parents have put us. New freedom and relaxation await.

CLICK HERE to view the recording

In 2021, the demo work participants were chosen by lottery from attendees who were present and willing to be recorded and have the work available for public view.


Cell phone with Your Resonant Self Guided Meditations Audio Book

When we change how we speak to ourselves, we change how our brain works.


Sign up for my Welcome to Resonance Love Letters to learn the key concepts of resonant language. You'll receive free goodies along the way like resonant guided meditations, chapters from my book, and self-exploration exercises.

Lovely, you're in! Check your email for our welcome series :)

Curious about the Resonant Healing Practitioner Certification?

Watch the recording from our live Q+A call from March 26th, 2023.

This recording has the most up-to-date info about the program so you can see if it's right for you! 

Lovely, check your inbox for a link to the recording!

Healing from Betrayal & Abandonment is Possible


Begin the journey of self-resonance by attending the FIRST CLASS FREE on May 31st: Clear Your Circuits - Write from Your Heart: learning the healing practice of resonant writing.

Lovely, you're in! Check your email for a link to attend the free class on May 31st.