The Resonance Summit
The Power of Empathy, Self-Compassion and Resonance: Neuroscience-informed Approaches to Healing Emotional Trauma
This package includes keynote presentations from:
- Dr. Matthew Lieberman, the Social Cognitive Neuroscience Lab Director at UCLA. Prof. Lieberman’s research shows that accurately naming feelings changes the brain and body’s response to stress, and he has developed his own fascinating theory of resonance.
- Dr. James A Coan, the Director of the Virginia Affective Neuroscience Lab. Prof. Coan researches and speaks about his theory of social baseline and how human relationship makes us healthier and more resilient.
- Dr. Douglas F. Watt, a Clinical Neuropsychologist, who returns to the Summit for this second year. Prof. Watt worked personally with Jaak Panskepp, who pioneered the field of affective neuroscience, and will talk about their research into the neuroscience of empathy.
- Sarah Peyton, an author, constellations facilitator, Nonviolent Communication Trainer and neuroscience educator integrates constellations, brain science and the use of resonant language to heal trauma with exquisite gentleness
and 31 speaker presentations/workshops, transcripts, chat from the live session, audio and video files! A total of 42 session recordings!
This summit took place March 22-26, 2023. Get all the warmth of community and the incredible wisdom shared during these sessions by purchasing the package.
See more about the 2023 summit and all the amazing presentations included here.
We appreciate your support of this community event.
Upon purchasing, you’ll receive access to a package where recordings will be found – it will take several weeks to add all chat, transcripts, audio files and more.
All recordings will be downloadable and available for 3 years (you can download and keep them forever).