Juicy Relational Skills for Emergence: 3-Part Workshop Series

Sarah is offering her Your Resonant Self for Relationships Workshop in a unique online format, comprised of three 3-day workshops focusing on the EMERGENCE/SEXUALITY circuit plus bonus material and additional skill-building sessions.

Introducing the Juicy Relational Online Series

What happens with our relationships, whatever kind of relationships we have, when we claim our full aliveness? What happens in a marriage, in a friendship, as a lover, as an employer/employee, parent, or friend when we are present in our full truth, and when we expect love and respect and we feel delight, rather than believing that we are somehow a burden in the relationship? What happens when we release the contracts that sabotage us? What happens if we mourn instead of blame? What is it like to live in resonant, rather than instrumental, space in our relationships?

The answers to these questions come with experiences of warm and resonance understanding, untangle the knots of trauma that keep us from our full expression, and unblocking the flow of our life energy by unblocking our circuits of emotion and motivation. A major key is found when we  free up our EMERGENCE/SEXUALITY circuit. Regardless of our actual level of sexual activity or interest in sex, this can be a revelatory circuit to explore, because it’s implicated in how we get to be who we are, and is part of everyone’s journey from childhood to adulthood. Our EMERGENCE/SEXUALITY circuit is the pathway that allows us to be our true selves. How does this circuit manifest in regular relationships, and how does it show up in relationships where we are physically intimate?

Please join Sarah Peyton for a 3-part exploration of the foundational concepts of Sarah’s books, Your Resonant Self, and especially its accompanying workbook, and learn how to apply those concepts to our closest relationships, to work toward more connection, intimacy, and joy with our beloveds.

Participants are welcome to join this online exploration in pairs, alone, or with friends or family (for a special pricing offer of 2 for the price 1 enrollment – bring a friend/lover/partner/family member for free! )

This event series includes three parts: Part 1: April 14-16, 2023: The EMERGENCE/SEXUALITY Circuit: Reactivity and Healing, Part 2: July 14-16, 2023, Engaging and Emerging: How the Circuits Interact, and Part 3: November 10-12, 2023, Becoming Relational: Exploring the I-You Space. 

The majority of time will be focused on everyday EMERGENCE/SEXUALITY – our circuit of individuation and uniqueness. For those interested in physical intimacy, there will be special optional extra sessions focused particularly on sexuality, including a session on healing from sexual abuse and assault.

This event series includes 3 bonuses, including group skill-building and practice sessions between the three events to begin to work with and untangle the relational dynamics in our closest connections. The bonuses (worth almost $1200) and the 2-for-1 promotion (another $1000) add up to over $2000 in value that you get for free by signing up for the full events series. We hope you’ll join us!

This Online Series Includes Three Events:

Juicy Relational Skills for Emergence Part 1: The EMERGENCE/SEXUALITY Circuit: Reactivity and Healing

What causes us to react to others and how long does it take for our bodies to calm? What is the impact of our trauma histories on our relationships? Do we get to relax and laugh in our relationships again? Learn the role implicit memory plays in reactivity, and how we can use empathy and resonance skills to transform reactivity into calm and connection.

This weekend workshop also includes an optional 90-minute bonus session on healing from sexual harm, including demos and practices. The bonus session on physical intimacy in this session will cover understanding and healing from sexual abuse and assault.

This event is part 1 of a 3-part series exploring resonance and relationships, how we can use the foundational concepts of Sarah’s books, Your Resonant Self and its accompanying workbook, to transform relationships with those we are closest to.

This event is available as a 2-for-1 enrollment (purchase one registration and you’ll be able to invite another person for free!)

You are welcome to register for any of the three individual events in the 3-part series, however, registering for the full 3-Part Immersion might be a good fit if you’d like to access the content bonuses and bonus group skill-building/practice sessions.

Part 1: April 14 – April 16, 2023

What to Expect:

This 3-day immersion weekend will cover the following topics via lectures interspersed with experiential exercises:

  • Resonant language
  • Reassurance vs Resonance
  • An introduction to trauma and retraumatization in relationships
  • A simple time travel for friends and couples
  • Blame 101: Transforming blame into mourning
  • Needs-based connection around sexuality or simply around emergence
  • Unconscious Contracts
  • Acknowledging infidelity, broken trust and disappointment

Special bonus session on healing from sexual harm:

  • Sexual trauma and how it impacts both sexuality and emergence of self
  • Resonance for the cells
  • Time travel with resonance for the cells for sexual trauma

Juicy Relational Skills for Emergence Part 2: Engaging and Emerging: How the Circuits Interact

What knowledge about the brain gives us leverage to really begin to see each other? What do we need to know about the ways that the circuits become entangled by trauma and unconscious contracts, blocking our emergence? Learn to tell the difference between instrumental and relational connections, and begin to walk the path toward more richness, meaning and intimacy. Practice resonant language in relationship, and discover your own sweetness.

This event is part 2 of a 3-part series exploring resonance and relationships, how we can use the foundational concepts of Sarah’s book, Your Resonant Self, to transform relationships with those we are closest to.

This event is available as a 2-for-1 enrollment (purchase one registration and you’ll be able to invite another person for free!)

You are welcome to register for any of the three individual events in the 3-part series, however, registering for the full 3-Part Immersion might be a good fit if you’d like to access the content bonuses and bonus group skill-building/practice sessions.

Part 2: Jul 14 – July 16, 2023

What to Expect:

This 3-day immersion weekend will cover the following topics via lectures interspersed with experiential exercises:

  • The instrumental and the relational brain
  • The nervous system and its three states
  • The circuits of emotion and motivation
  • The amygdala and circuit entanglement

Special bonus session on healing and physical intimacy:

  • Disentangling the SEXUALITY/EMERGENCE circuit specifically for physical intimacy
  • Fight/flight/alarmed aloneness in physical intimacy
  • Using contract work to increase ease in physical intimacy

Juicy Relational Skills for Emergence Part 3: Becoming Relational: Exploring the I-You Space

Do we really exist for ourselves? Are the others around us real, complex and alive, people to our brains? Learn about and begin to transform the contracts that prevent true expression and authentic relationship. Explore the use of I-You Language to foster intimacy and connection, and to move out of caretaking into partnership in all your relationships.

This weekend workshop also includes an optional 90-minute bonus session on healing our relationship to physical intimacy, including demos and practices. The bonus session will cover the ins and outs of communication, feedback and I-You Language in sexuality.

This event is part 3 of a 3-part series exploring resonance and relationships, how we can use the foundational concepts of Sarah’s book, Your Resonant Self and its accompanying workbook, to transform relationships with those we are closest to.

This event is available as a 2-for-1 enrollment (purchase one registration and you’ll be able to invite another person for free!)

You are welcome to register for any of the three individual events in the 3-part series, however, registering for the full 3-Part Immersion might be a good fit if you’d like to access the content bonuses and bonus group skill-building/practice sessions.

Part 3: November 10 – November 12, 2023

What to Expect:

This 3-day immersion weekend will cover the following topics via lectures interspersed with experiential exercises:

  • Attachment patterns and warmth
  • Contracts not to trust, not to let love in
  • I-You language
  • Warm curiosity and questions
  • The right hemisphere and feedback
  • Circling back to blame vs mourning
  • How contracts get in the way of giving and receiving feedback
  • Conclusion

Special bonus session on healing and physical intimacy:

  • Contracts around giving and receiving feedback about physical intimacy
  • Attachment patterns and sexual experience (physical intimacy)
  • Reclaiming joy with physical intimacy

Event Details

The schedule will be as follows (All times are in the Pacific Time zone.  To convert to your time, please click here)

This event series is a three-part event; each of the three online events stretches over 3 calendar days, starting from 5pm-8pm on day one (Friday), then Saturday and Sunday from 9-12pm, 1-3pm Pacific time.

What To Expect:

Each day we alternate between short lectures on neuroscience concepts, followed by experiential exercises to explore and practice the concepts.

The experiential components of this series will feature skill-building exercises to help you connect to others and yourself; resonant language, unconscious contracts to help you untangle what blocks connection with self and others, and time travel resonance. 

In between the three workshops, participants will have bonus skill-building and practice sessions to begin to work with and untangle the relational dynamics in their closest connections, and have access to supplemental online material to continue practicing the concepts in real life.


In addition to the sessions above, registration includes:

Who Is This Event For?

Heal and learn together with family, friends or partners, or join for your own personal exploration. This event is being offered as a two-for-one enrollment, and you are welcome to join with a partner, friend, family member, or anyone else you’d like to share this learning experience with.

Beginners are welcome! No prior experience is necessary and we welcome any and all participants to come and learn how to build and practice kinder, more loving relationships.

We are delighted to offer up to 51 CEU hours for psychologists and social workers for this course ($60 additional fee). Chicago Counseling Associates has been approved by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to sponsor continuing education for social workers and psychologists. CCA maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Live attendance is required to receive CEUs.

How much?

Early bird rate $1050 (2 for enrollment) if paid by March 31, 2023
Regular price $1400 (2 for enrollment) if paid after March 31, 2023



  • In order to secure the early-bird rates, you must register and pay by the dates above.
  • Your tuition payment is non-refundable and transferrable.
  • Partial scholarships may be available after April 5, 2023. Write to [email protected] after April 5 to inquire.
  • This work is not therapy and is not a substitute for therapy. If you have a sense that you would be destabilized by yourself or others speaking about difficult events, then this course may not be for you. While we hope that the processes and information that we share can be of use in your journey, we do not have the resources to support extreme psychological difficulties.

Receive Resonant Support

Get assistant support during classes – experience resonant support from experienced practitioners when you need it during class times.  Often, this work can have unexpected depth and touch on deeply held subconscious awareness and pain.  Getting support when we need it most helps participants to integrate, regulate, and have a felt experience of the transformative power of resonance.

The Series Comes with Three Free Bonuses

Bonus #1: Free Access to Sarah’s 2023 Monthly Neuroscience and Resonance Webinars from April to October 2023.

Each Sarah offers a thematic, research-based webinar about relational neuroscience and how to use empathy and resonance and other trauma-informed processes to heal. Each webinar is approximately 90 minutes, including slides and presentation, then plenty of room for questions.

By registering for Sarah’s 2023 Juicy Emergence 3-part event you will receive free access to Sarah’s April, May, June, July, August, September and October webinars in 2023, which are held using Zoom video conferencing. Recordings are available for those who cannot attend during the live broadcast.


Have you ever wondered why some people’s presence, support and listening feels so good, while other people’s support doesn’t seem to have much impact?

When we have a sense of being “gotten,” when we are deeply attuned to, we take in the nourishment and attention and care like thirsty, struggling plants finally receiving the water and nutrients we need to grow.

Resonant attention and language changes the way we see ourselves. With our new eyes, we start to transform our experiences of shame, rage, terror and self-doubt into the sense that we are enough, just as we are.

This course uses relational neuroscience to explain how to use the language of the right hemisphere to access our innate, human capacity for deep resonance with ourselves and each other.

The course includes videos, handouts and worksheets, online assessments and journal prompts to take you through 8 weeks of study, however this course can be done slower or faster if desired.

sarah smiling slightly looking at camera

Bonus #3:

  • Six Live 90-Minute Skill-Building and Practice Sessions with Sarah Peyton

Registration in this series includes a total of 6 live 90-minute group skill-building and practice sessions with Sarah Peyton between weekend intensives, dates, and times to be announced.

Immerse yourself in resonance to transform fragmentation and trauma into wholeness and transform how you see yourself and others.

What Couples Are Saying about Sarah’s Your Resonant Self Retreats

If someone had told us six months ago that knowledge about brain anatomy would help resolve traumatic upset, we would have wondered what they were smoking! After being in Sarah’s workshops where she teaches about how our brain works and what trauma is, everything is different.

For thirty years we have interacted impulsively, re-traumatizing each other again and again by allowing reactivity to color our interactions in the mistaken belief that we could thereby shock each other into being caring. But now after studying with Sarah, we are finding that we can bring warm, compassionate understanding to ourselves and to each other more and more often, with remarkable impact on our peace of mind and peace in our household. Thank you!”

 ~ MSJ and MTA, participants in Sarah’s Your Resonant Self intensive, 2019

Cost and How to Register

Early bird rate (pay by March 31, 2023) $1050 for the full series, including 2 for the price of 1! (Registering for this series includes you and a partner, friend or family member for free.)

$1400 (pay after March 31, 2023) for the full series, including 2 for the price of 1! (Registering for this series includes you and a partner, friend or family member for free.)



  • In order to secure the early-bird rates, you must register and pay by the dates above.
  • Your tuition payment is non-refundable and transferrable.
  • This work is not therapy and is not a substitute for therapy. If you have a sense that you would be destabilized by yourself or others speaking about difficult events, then this course may not be for you. While we hope that the processes and information that we share can be of use in your journey, we do not have the resources to support extreme psychological difficulties.
  • Some partial scholarships may be available after April 5, 2023, please write to Sarah to inquire after April 5.
  • The individual events that make up this series are available to purchase as stand-alone experiences, but signing up for the series allows you a much less expensive per-workshop rate, and includes bonuses and skill-building sessions worth over $2000!

If you have questions or need help deciding whether this event is right for you, please email [email protected]

About Sarah

Sarah Peyton looking up and right

Sarah Peyton, Certified Trainer of Nonviolent Communication and neuroscience educator, integrates brain science and the use of resonant language to heal personal and collective trauma with exquisite gentleness.

Sarah is a sought-after expert who brings neuroscience expertise together with depth work, self-compassion, and the transformative potential of language. She works with audiences internationally to create a compassionate understanding of the effects of relational trauma on the brain, and teaches people how words change and heal us.

Sarah teaches and lectures internationally and is the author of three books: Your Resonant Self: Guided Meditations and Exercises to Engage Your Brain’s Capacity for Healing, the companion Your Resonant Self Workbook: From Self-sabotage to Self-care, and Affirmations for Turbulent Times: Resonant Words to Soothe Body and Mind.

Cell phone with Your Resonant Self Guided Meditations Audio Book

When we change how we speak to ourselves, we change how our brain works.


Sign up for my Welcome to Resonance Love Letters to learn the key concepts of resonant language. You'll receive free goodies along the way like resonant guided meditations, chapters from my book, and self-exploration exercises.

Lovely, you're in! Check your email for our welcome series :)

Curious about the Resonant Healing Practitioner Certification?

Watch the recording from our live Q+A call from March 26th, 2023.

This recording has the most up-to-date info about the program so you can see if it's right for you! 

Lovely, check your inbox for a link to the recording!

Healing from Betrayal & Abandonment is Possible


Begin the journey of self-resonance by attending the FIRST CLASS FREE on May 31st: Clear Your Circuits - Write from Your Heart: learning the healing practice of resonant writing.

Lovely, you're in! Check your email for a link to attend the free class on May 31st.