The most life-changing act you can imagine is within your reach. It is the act of self-resonance. When we are able to be gentle and affectionate with ourselves, our neurobiology relaxes, our immune cells are more effective, our brain is integrated, and our whole system starts running on oxygen. Join Sarah to learn how to turn your natural capacity for compassion inward, toward yourself. This teleseminar is a combination of research into self-compassion and the power of empathy and experiential explorations of the material using guided meditations. Have warmth for yourself. It changes everything.
Led by Sarah Peyton

Hi Margaret,
Yes! the best way to do that is to open the link to the visuals in another tab and follow along there. From a PC, to do this, you right-click the link and select “open in a new tab.” On a Mac, hold down the command button (apple button) as you click the link to the slides and it will open in the next tab. That way, you can listen in one tab and follow along with the slides. Sarah usually gives a lot of cues to help you track which slide she is on. Please let me know if that makes sense and is doable for you.
I will also follow up with you via email.
Very warmly,