Join Olga Nguyen and Sarah Peyton for a new and different approach to letting your brain emerge into its own healing. Our human brains will take any opportunity to help us locate ourselves in our life stories, and research shows that art experiences, whether one is a complete novice or a master artist, are an access point for the resolution of trauma. Special guest Olga Nguyen will bring the simple, doable, and color-filled process she has been developing over the last several years to us for our exploration and experience. Olga currently lives in Vietnam, and is a certified trainer of Nonviolent Communication and teaches and integrates resonant language, relational neuroscience, and art for the healing of trauma all over the world.
Please bring paper, pens or fineliners and anything you have in the house to add a bit of color (e.g. felt tips, markers, colored pencils, crayons, etc.)
Please scroll down to click on the lesson with the recording
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Dear Olga and Sarah,
Thanks for this class, just watched the recording. Unfortunately we ran out of time, I would have been interested to hear something about art to deal with collective trauma. Could you maybe post something in this space? It was a very interesting experience.
Thanks a lot, Alice
Hi Alice,
I am glad you enjoyed the class. See Olga’s response pasted below.
“Thank you Alice for your kind words and for finding it interesting! I’m regretful that whilst we covered what I planned, the “main” bit, we ran out of time for the “extras”. The collective trauma bit in “Extra” section is
an experiential exercise with bits of explanation. It was just a taster and I’ll cover it in the upcoming course alongside with the actual method of working with the collective trauma (it also applies to anything bigger than
individual/intrapersonal and interpersonal). It will be towards the end of the course, so that we can build on all previous methods. If you want an example/case study of how it works, I’ll be sending one via my newsletter
hopefully in the next week and I’ll also share it on my Facebook. If you want to get the case study in the newsletter, you can join my website and tick the option for getting the updates/newsletters and I’ll send it to
you. <>
Does it help any?