Healthy attachment is our birthright

Attachment is the way our brains and bodies understand and predict relationships and how we learn to stay emotionally safe and regulate our nervous systems in relationship with others.

Attachment styles are based on learned behavior and experiences that have led us to create mostly unconscious decisions about how to keep ourselves safe in relationships, and they change over time as we heal and learn to trust ourselves and others.

Read my blog posts below to learn more about attachment theory, including avoidant attachment, ambivalent or anxious attachment, disorganized attachment, and healing attachment disorders and wounds.

What is self-resonance (and why does it matter?)

What is self-resonance (and why does it matter?)

We are given a sense that we make sense (or not) by our mothering people in a key phase of attachment bonding that occurs between 0 and 4 months old. We can use self-resonance to re-pattern attachment disruptions that may have occurred, and build a healthy secure...

Understanding Rage and Honoring Boundaries in Healing Trauma

Understanding Rage and Honoring Boundaries in Healing Trauma

In our culture, rage is considered mostly unacceptable, especially by women. But rage is one of our eight circuits of emotion and motivation. In this podcast interview, we discuss how rage helps us understand when our boundaries have been violated.  Why is rage so...

10 Key Concepts of Resonant Healing

10 Key Concepts of Resonant Healing

Learn Sarah's 10 Key Concepts of Resonant Healing to support healing movement and transformation of anxiety, depression, disorganized attachment, PTSD and more. What are the 10 Key Concepts of Resonant Healing?There is plenty of advice out in the world about how to...

Healing Loneliness: Moving out of Avoidant Attachment

Healing Loneliness: Moving out of Avoidant Attachment

The hallmark of having been raised by left hemisphere parents is avoidant attachment, which often manifests as a deep, lifelong loneliness, a tendency to push others away and a struggle to find life’s meaning. What is attachment?Attachment isn't simply a code word for...

How to Heal Trauma: Time-Traveling with Resonance

How to Heal Trauma: Time-Traveling with Resonance

Bringing resonance and accompaniment back to our wounded selves is the key to healing brains that have been fragmented by traumatic experience. This is called many names, for example: CRM Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM)®  I call it the Time Traveling with Resonance...

Cell phone with Your Resonant Self Guided Meditations Audio Book

When we change how we speak to ourselves, we change how our brain works.


Sign up for my Welcome to Resonance Love Letters to learn the key concepts of resonant language. You'll receive free goodies along the way like resonant guided meditations, chapters from my book, and self-exploration exercises.

Lovely, you're in! Check your email for our welcome series :)

Curious about the Resonant Healing Practitioner Certification?

Watch the recording from our live Q+A call from March 26th, 2023.

This recording has the most up-to-date info about the program so you can see if it's right for you! 

Lovely, check your inbox for a link to the recording!

Healing from Betrayal & Abandonment is Possible


Begin the journey of self-resonance by attending the FIRST CLASS FREE on May 31st: Clear Your Circuits - Write from Your Heart: learning the healing practice of resonant writing.

Lovely, you're in! Check your email for a link to attend the free class on May 31st.