2025 Constellation Masterclass Series
the power of fully embodying self
emergence and sexuality in the resonant field
Join us for a 12-month live online drop-in series exploring family constellations through the lens of neuroscience, with a focus on disentangling confusing relationships.
February | May | November
This year’s Constellations masterclass series covers the theme of becoming our authentic self as an adult, with the full claiming of our sexuality, whether we choose to live it physically or not. There are many expressions, or non-expressions, of our sexuality, ranging from (joyful) asexuality to full, joyful physical intimacy. We will use constellations and learning about constellation facilitation as frames through which to investigate how our movement from child’s body to adult’s body invites the emergence of our authentic self. This year’s masterclass series includes three classes:
This series meets for 3 weekend immersions in February, May and November
We will meet online from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM PST | 12:00 PM EST | 5:00 PM GMT with a 1-hour break for lunch (convert to your time zone here)
The course will meet via zoom. We welcome participants from all time zones who wish to learn asynchronously for some or all of the sessions. Recordings and visuals will be made available to those who are registered for the live program (typically available within 72 hours of the live session).
The schedule will be as follows:
Session 1 – Friday – Sunday, February 21-23, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM PT – with a 1 hour break for lunch
Session 2 – Friday – Sunday, May 30 – June 1, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM PT – with a 1 hour break for lunch
Session 3 – Friday – Sunday, November 7-9, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM PT – with a 1 hour break for lunch
(All times are in the Pacific Time zone. To convert to your time zone, please click here)
What to Expect:
Each day we alternate between short lectures on neuroscience and constellation concepts with mini-constellations to explore and practice the concepts, and then we do large group constellations. If you’re a visual learner you can imagine small islands of didactic learning, surrounded by slightly larger islands of small-group learning, and then interspersed with large, full-group constellations. Small group work will be done in small groups or dyads via breakout groups on zoom.
Constellations facilitated by Sarah will alternate with Constellations facilitated by Masterclass participants, interspersed with large and small group learning. Both being a facilitator and being a seeker happen by lottery. Only participants who have attended other master series sessions with Sarah will be eligible to be facilitators. Not all participants will have a chance to be a seeker or a facilitator.
What You'll Learn:
Who Is This Course For?
These sessions are intended for people who are interested in learning about constellation facilitation and how constellation work transforms and heals. Both experienced and new facilitators are welcome. Student facilitators will have opportunities for supervision and support from Sarah Peyton. Sometimes, personal growth and transformation happen coincidentally, but personal work for participants isn’t the main focus of the offerings in the masterclass series.
Early bird: $2450 if registered and paid for by January 14, 2025
Regular price: $3200
Each session can be enrolled in individually.
This Program Includes
- The Introduction to Emergent Constellations class (two 5-hour days).
- The 2025 Constellation Facilitation Masterclass Series – The Power of Fully Embodying Self: Emergence and Sexuality in the Resonant Field including 3 weekend immersions:
- Feb 21-23, 2025 – Emerging with Power: Authenticity and Sexuality in Constellation Work
- May 30-June 1, 2025 – Power and Pleasure: Astrology and Constellations with Mars and Venus
- Nov. 7-9, 2025 – Disgust, Boundaries, and Power in Constellations: Claiming Private, Authentic, and Joyful Sexuality Beyond Trauma
- The 2025 Constellations + Neuroscience Webinar Series – Disentangling Confusing Relationships: Twelve monthly 85-minute Monday classes covering the disentangling of confusing relationships using Family Constellations.
**For a total of more than 78 hours of Emergent Constellation study and healing with Sarah Peyton.**
Please Note: This product does NOT include The Resonant Field: A 12 Month Certification Training in Emergent Constellations
Click here to buy all 3 of these constellations courses AND the Resonant Field series, for the special sale price of $3450 until January 14, 2025.
Please Note:
- Your tuition payment is non-refundable (but it is transferable).
- This workshop will be recorded for those who want to learn asynchronously for some or all sessions.
- This work is not therapy and is not a substitute for therapy. If you have a sense that you would be destabilized by yourself or others speaking about difficult events, then this course may not be for you. While we hope that the processes and information that we share can be of use in your journey, we do not have the resources to support extreme psychological difficulties.
What You'll Learn In Each Weekend Immersion:
FREE Bonus - Intro Workshop - February 8-9, 2025
Introduction to Emergent Constellations
All are welcome. For beginners, this 2-day, 10 hour class will give you the vocabulary and experience you need to enjoy other facilitation classes.
For experienced facilitators who are not as familiar with emergent constellations, this class will be an opportunity to explore this approach to the work.
This 2-day immersion will cover the following material:
- Interviewing the client: what to ask, what to look for
- Choosing the initial elements for representation
- What creates movement in a constellation
- Experiencing the field
- 4 ways to ask the field to respond
- The narrative arc of the constellation
- When to resource
- Healing words and sentences
- Unconscious contracts
- Ways to move to completion
Session 1: February 21-23, 2025
Emerging with Power: Authenticity and Sexuality in Constellation Work
The greatest human dilemma is the conflict between belonging and authenticity. We are raised to believe that it is impossible for both to co-exist at the same time: that we can never be our true selves and simultaneously really belong to our families and our friend groups. This is a false conflict, and family constellation work allows us to find the resolution of this riddle so that we can become the most authentic, graceful, and true expression of ourselves, including whatever expressions or non-expressions of sexuality feel right to us, while simultaneously forming deep connections with family and community. The more we are our true selves, the more true love there is in our lives.
In this 3-day, 15-hour workshop, we will learn about constellation facilitation and use constellations to explore how both we and our clients can take the next steps on our journey to become our most powerful, authentic selves, leveraging the power of our emergent and sexual beings in service of our missions.
The work with sexuality is not just the alignment with our truest expression of sexuality and non-sexuality: it is also the becoming of the authentic self–our individuated unique adult manifestation of the particular fractal of humanity that our own brain and body contain.
Additionally, our truest and most authentic expression of sexuality is not limited to physical intimacy. It includes the powerful connection with our drives, passions, desires, and interests, the things that are calling us and the things that we’re reaching for. It also includes the pleasure of being reached for, the experience of receiving, of being both the lover and the beloved in every sense in our lives.
Embracing this fullness of self allows us to powerfully emerge. The word “power” points us towards the energy with which we move into the world. Do we feel fully supported to bring our strength and passion into the world? Do we feel allowed to be as big and as alive as we are? Does it feel terrifying to let the loudness of your care and curiosity show to yourself and those around you?
We must also be powerful in our vulnerability. In order to be truly vulnerable we have to be grounded in our authentic emotions and trust the truth of our body’s experience of the world.
Over this 3-day workshop series, participants will:
- Discover the link between our SEXUALITY circuit and our authentic selves
- Release contracts that block our true emergence and access to our power
- Work with mini-constellations that support the exploration of the relationship between sexuality (this can include asexuality), power and emergence
- Work with the foundational skills of constellation facilitation
Improve constellation facilitation confidence, humility and practices for general practice - Have the opportunity to participate in a large-group constellation facilitated by Sarah
- Have the opportunity to participate in a large-group constellation facilitated by a student and supported by Sarah
- Have multiple opportunities to be in lotteries to be a client or to student-facilitate large group constellations.
Session 2: May 30 - June 1, 2025
Power and Pleasure: Astrology and Constellations with Mars and Venus
In the horoscopic model, the mythological symbols named Venus and Mars can show us both our longing for belonging (Venus, our attraction to pleasure, beauty, connection, eros) and to authenticity, Mars, (our desire for autonomy and agency). Astrologers in the Middle Ages said of these two natures: “Mars separates, Venus unites.” However, they are not in conflict: they are both archetypal pictures of how we find our way in all the complex dynamics of the life we will live.
Often Mars and Venus are shared and talked about as being related to sexuality and gender. But, Mars and Venus cannot be reduced to gender. They offer us energetic qualities to cultivate which allow for our most authentic expression of self.
Do we feel fully supported to bring our strength – our Mars; and passion – our Venus, into the world? Are we allowed to be as big and as alive as we are? Does it feel terrifying to let the loudness of your care and curiosity show to those around you and to yourself?
Working in concert with Jungian astrologer Carol Ferris, the constellations in this session will take as their starting point the locations of Venus and Mars in the birth chart of the client. The constellation emerges from there, integrating Carol’s understanding of the interplay of the archetypes with the movements of the representatives. This is the third year that we will be working in this way, and the healing and integration have been so extraordinary that we can’t resist another dip into this pool.
Join Sarah and Carol in their mutual constellation work to explore these inherent qualities in each of us.
Over this 3-day workshop series, participants will:
- Experience the energetic contributions of Mars and Venus in their individual horoscopes
- Discover their challenges and their gifts from the astrological point of view
- Work with mini-constellations that support the exploration of the relationship between Mars, Venus and their unified contribution to our authentic expression
- Work with the foundational skills of constellation facilitation
Improve constellation facilitation confidence, humility and practices for general practice - Have the opportunity to participate in a large-group constellation facilitated by Sarah, and and augmented by Carol’s commentary
- Have the opportunity to participate in a large-group constellation facilitated by a student and supported by Sarah and augmented by Carol’s commentary
- Have multiple opportunities to be in lotteries to be a client or to student-facilitate large group constellations.
Session 3: November 7-9, 2025
Disgust, Boundaries, and Power in Constellations: Claiming Private, Authentic, and Joyful Sexuality Beyond Trauma
What does disgust have to do with boundaries and power?
Many of us have been taught that it is impolite and rude to know what disgusts us and what doesn’t. We are told that we are being good children if no one knows what kinds of vegetables or touch or questions are too much or wrong for us (or that we don’t like). When we tell children that they should be seen and not heard, we’re asking them to repress their inner voice of truth and for many people that prohibition is never lifted. When we reclaim our body’s deep knowing about what it wants and doesn’t want, we discover an entirely natural and effortless relationship with boundaries. In its healthiest manifestation, disgust is the shoreline of our body’s authentic and alive experience of what it loves and desires–it tells us who we want to be with and what we want to do, it tells us what we want to eat, it tells us how we want to work, it tells us what we want to create. It lets us discover what kind of privacy works for us, and what kinds of public expression nourishes us and our relationship with the world. The discovery of our healthy disgust is a discovery of our healthy and authentic joy. And this particular work takes us directly into what we really want, when it comes to sexual expression and non-expression.
In family constellations, we learn that many of us have been taken into our parents’ bedrooms and that the door between ourselves and our parents’ private explorations needs to be closed, and our parents need to take responsibility for their own lives. We’ve been made our parents’ spouses, friends, therapists, parents, or exes, when what we really need is to first be our parents’ children, and then to grow into being adults who have their own separate lives. Our passions, interests, and desires do not belong to our parents, and the creative expression that’s a natural outgrowth of authentic emergence is ours and ours alone. Healthy disgust can help us find the boundary between what is ours and what belongs to others. As we claim this space in which we get to exist, we also discover our strength and power and relationality: our full range of movement to live lives that are fully our own, and to join with others and create the families and friend groups where we get to both be authentic and belong.
Over this 3-day, 15-hour workshop participants will:
- Discover the multiple layers of disgust and their contribution to clear yes’es and no’s.
- Release contracts that prevent us from fully inhabiting and enjoying our bodies, their desires, our sexuality/emergence and knowing our edges.
- Work with mini-constellations that support the healing of the relationship between boundaries and power, so that we can fully own our own strengths.
- Look for relic-patterns from abuse experiences that block our authentic “no’s.
- Work with the foundational skills of constellation facilitation.
- Improve constellation facilitation confidence, humility and practices for general practice.
- Have the opportunity to participate in a large-group constellation facilitated by Sarah.
- Have the opportunity to participate in a large-group constellation facilitated by a student and supported by Sarah.
- Have multiple opportunities to be in lotteries to be a client or to student-facilitate large group constellations.
This Course Includes 2 Free Bonuses
Introduction to Emergent Constellations 2025
Family Constellation work heals trauma at the family level, transgenerationally and historically, as well as at the personal level. How have your ancestors’ journeys impacted you and how can you transform your family from influencing you with trauma to becoming a resource?
Constellations are a way of unwinding and unraveling the frozen strands of trauma and buried nervous-system vows from our essential beings, so that we can flourish, live, and contribute our gifts with ease.
Sarah’s approach encourages facilitators to integrate relational neuroscience and an understanding of relational vs instrumental language into the work. Participants learn the basics of constellation work within the framework of emergent constellations, and enter into a meaningful partnership with reps and clients to harvest all the wisdom that is present in the field.
For beginners and experienced practitioners alike, this 2-day, 10-hour class will give you the vocabulary and experience you need to enjoy other facilitation classes.
Webinar Bundle: The 2025 Monthly Constellations and Neuroscience Webinar Series
We humans are neurobiologically made for relationships, but relationships are so confusing! People don’t come in simple packages, they come wrapped in trauma and unconscious contracts, and we ourselves respond from our own traumas and contracts. This happens whether we are children, parents, siblings, employees, bosses, part of church or school communities, or descendants of our ancestors. What kind of brain patterns give rise to our tangled responses to one another, and how can constellation work help us disentangle ourselves? Join Sarah Peyton for the full year or for single sessions of exploration, growth and enjoyment of clarity and new access to power.
This 12-month live online drop-in series will offer new ways to think about working with that most common of questions: the relationship. You can purchase sessions individually or as a full series; purchase includes an invitation to the live exploration, and the recording provided afterwards.
Register for the Full Series
The Power of Fully Embodying Self – Emergence and Sexuality in the Resonant Field
Original price was: $3,200.00.$2,450.00Current price is: $2,450.00.
- Your tuition payment is non-refundable (but it is transferable).
- The webinars will be recorded for those who want to learn asynchronously for some or all sessions.
- This work is not therapy and is not a substitute for therapy. If you have a sense that you would be destabilized by yourself or others speaking about difficult events, then this course may not be for you. While we hope that the processes and information that we share can be of use in your journey, we do not have the resources to support extreme psychological difficulties.
About Sarah
Sarah teaches and lectures internationally, is a regular contributor to The Knowing Field International Constellations Journal, authored a chapter for Stephan Hausner’s book Salutogene Aufstellungen, and is a featured keynote speaker for international constellation events including ISCA and NASCA.
Sarah teaches and lectures internationally and is the author of three books: Your Resonant Self: Guided Meditations and Exercises to Engage Your Brain’s Capacity for Healing, the companion Your Resonant Self Workbook: From Self-sabotage to Self-care, and Affirmations for Turbulent Times: Resonant Words to Soothe Body and Mind.