The course will meet via online (zoom video conference). Recordings will be made available.
The schedule will be as follows (All times are in the Pacific Time zone. To convert to your time, please click here)
- July 12: Friday, 5-8 PM
- July 13: Saturday, 9-12 PM, 1-3 PM
- July 14: Sunday, 9-12 PM, 1-3 PM
What to Expect:
This 3-day immersion weekend will cover the following topics via lectures interspersed with experiential exercises:
- Attachment patterns, shame and warmth
- Unconscious contracts that create shame in relationships
- I-You language
- Warm curiosity and questions
- The right hemisphere and shame
- How inadvertently breaking contracts leads to shame
- Conclusion
Who is the course for:
Heal and learn together with family, friends or partners, or join for your own personal exploration. This event is being offered as a two-for-one enrollment, and you are welcome to join with a partner, friend, family member, or anyone else you’d like to share this learning experience with.
Beginners are welcome! No prior experience is necessary and we welcome any and all participants to come and learn how to build and practice kinder, more loving and connected relationships from friendships to co-workers to partnerships.
We ask that those who are completely new to Sarah’s work register for the first workshop or the full series, since we value inclusion and joining during the second or third session might lead to feeling lost and confused. The first session is recorded and can be reviewed in advance of the following sessions.
Early bird: $650 single session registration through June 28, 2024 – 2-for-1 promotion – have a friend, family member, partner, or colleague join you free!
$800 after June 28th – 2-for-1 promotion – have a friend, family member, partner, or colleague join you free!
Scholarship Information
Partial scholarships may be available after June 28, 2024. Write to [email protected] after June 28 to inquire.
1:1 Resonant Assistant Support is Available
CEUs Available:
We are delighted to offer 13 CEU hours for psychologists and social workers for this course ($30 additional fee). CEUs are offered through Chicago Counseling Associates. CCA has been approved by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to sponsor continuing education for social workers and psychologists. CCA maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Live attendance is required to receive CEUs.
Please Note:
- In order to secure the early-bird rates, you must register and pay by the dates listed.
- Your tuition payment is transferable, but it is non-refundable.
- This work is not therapy and is not a substitute for therapy. If you have a sense that you would be destabilized by yourself or others speaking about difficult events, then this course may not be for you. While we hope that the processes and information that we share can be of use in your journey, we do not have the resources to support extreme psychological difficulties.