“This is your fault!” “I don’t understand why you did this!” “You don’t have the brains of an ant!” Blame and verbal abuse are our instrumental brain’s best effort to make sense of the world and to integrate new and difficult information about things going wrong. A bewildered brain can only seize on assigning responsibility to self and others when it doesn’t know what to do. Blame doesn’t actually help anything, but it does settle bewilderment down.
Join Sarah for a 90-minute exploration of other options beyond blame that integrate our hemispheres and let us live with more integrity.

I have received the gift of your webinars, and I begin my day with 1 of your resonance meditations, this meets my need for self-connection and care… I’m grateful for the presence of you and your words of resonance… I hear your gentle voice when I need resonance! I love it.