Neuroscience and Constellations Series: Circuits of Emotion and Motivation
An 8-month live online drop-in series exploring the mystery and awe of family constellations through the lens of neuroscience. You are welcome to purchase individual sessions or the entire series. Registration includes an invitation to the live exploration and access to the recordings.
November 2021 – June 2022 Explorations
(Mondays, from 9:00-10:30am Pacific Time, 5pm-6:30pm British Time)
This 8-part series includes a webinar focused on the role of each Circuit of Emotion and Motivation (as developed by neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp) and the way that each shows up in constellations. There is one webinar devoted to each of the following circuits, the 7 listed by Panksepp: SEEKING, CARE, FEAR, RAGE, PANIC/GRIEF, PLAY, SEXUALITY, with the addition of DISGUST.
SEEKING: Clearing Blocks to Life Energy in Constellations
The SEEKING circuit is foundational for the smooth functioning of all the other circuits. When it is flowing, we are free from depression and able to pursue our goals. Having a sense of this circuit and its benefits allows us to identify when a client has blocks to movement and helps us to find ways to use constellations to clear the client’s flow of life energy. Join Sarah Peyton to explore SEEKING in constellations.
This webinar includes a brief introduction to the relational neuroscience of the SEEKING circuit and the way that it can show up and be used in constellations, a small breakout group for exploration, and then a large group constellation. The seeker was selected by a lottery of those who agreed to be recorded for others’ learning.
- 90 minutes
- Purchase includes access to watch and download the recording and review the slides
- Part of the Neuroscience and Constellation Monthly Series: Circuits of Emotion and Motivation
Awakening CARE in Constellations
The CARE circuit allows warmth to be a part of our lives and relationships. Whenever we work to restore the flow of love, or with the mother’s line, we are awakening the CARE circuit in our clients. It is some of the most beautiful work that constellators do, and it is made even more powerful when we know the relational neuroscience of what we are doing. Join Sarah Peyton to explore CARE in constellations.
This webinar includes a brief introduction to the relational neuroscience of the CARE circuit and the way that it can show up and be used in constellations, a small breakout group for exploration, and then a large group constellation. The seeker was selected by a lottery of those who agreed to be recorded for others’ learning.
- 90 minutes
- Purchase includes access to watch and download the recording and review the slides
- Part of the Neuroscience and Constellation Monthly Series: Circuits of Emotion and Motivation
Unfreezing the FEAR Circuit in Constellations
Some of the most profound movements in constellation work come from the disentangling of the FEAR circuit from the traumas that clients have lived through. If we don’t know that FEAR exists as its own circuit within our clients’ brains, our work is less powerful. Join Sarah Peyton to explore FEAR in constellations.
This webinar includes a brief introduction to the relational neuroscience of the FEAR circuit and the way that it can show up and be used in constellations, a small breakout group for exploration, and then a large group constellation. The seeker was selected by a lottery of those who agreed to be recorded for others’ learning.
- 90 minutes
- Purchase includes access to watch and download the recording and review the slides
- Part of the Neuroscience and Constellation Monthly Series: Circuits of Emotion and Motivation
“My involvement Sarah’s 2017 in-depth family constellation program was eye opening, jaw dropping awe inspiring and life changing. Sarah facilitates her programs with such skill, humility, openness, tenderness, safety, and love which enabled me to experience deep learning and healing… Sarah is extremely gifted and intuitive. Her constellation explorations examine and weave together threads of history, trauma and family generations while maintaining a safe environment.”
– Gail Donohue
Differentiating RAGE and Predatory Aggression in Constellations
There are two main forms of cruelty that show up in relationships and families: RAGE, which is its own circuit, and predatory aggression (the colder experience of contempt and bullying), which is part of the SEEKING circuit. How can we tell them apart in constellation work, and what benefits are there in disentangling them? Join Sarah Peyton to explore RAGE in constellations.
This webinar includes a brief introduction to the relational neuroscience of the RAGE circuit and the way that it can show up and be used in constellations, a small breakout group for exploration.
- 90 minutes
- Purchase includes access to watch and download the recording and review the slides
- Part of the Neuroscience and Constellation Monthly Series: Circuits of Emotion and Motivation
Welcoming PANIC/GRIEF in Constellations
One of the primary issues that clients bring to constellations is loneliness. Often people have been lonely for years, in part because of circumstances, but in part because they create contracts of isolation that are supposed to prevent heartbreak and devastation. If it is the contracts rather than the circumstances that are preventing connection, then facilitators can bring an understanding that there is a circuit committed to feeling the loss and the aloneness and that clients will continue to cycle until full acknowledgment of the past has been made. Join Sarah Peyton to explore PANIC/GRIEF in constellations.
This webinar includes a brief introduction to the relational neuroscience of the GRIEF/PANIC circuit and the way that it can show up and be used in constellations, a small breakout group for exploration, and then a large group constellation. The seeker was selected by a lottery of those who agreed to be recorded for others’ learning.
- 90 minutes
- Purchase includes access to watch and download the recording and review the slides
- Part of the Neuroscience and Constellation Monthly Series: Circuits of Emotion and Motivation
Constellating PLAY: Supporting Joy in Constellations
The most important circuit for our client’s health and well-being is the PLAY circuit. It is also the circuit most vulnerable to the impacts of trauma. When we heal trauma with our constellation work, we are gently moving our clients’ PLAY circuits towards awakening. With this knowledge, we can capitalize on healing movements to blow on the embers of joy. Join Sarah Peyton to explore PLAY in constellations.
This webinar includes a brief introduction to the relational neuroscience of the PLAY circuit and the way that it can show up and be used in constellations, a small breakout group for exploration, and then a large group constellation. The seeker was selected by a lottery of those who agreed to be recorded for others’ learning.
- 90 minutes
- Purchase includes access to watch and download the recording and review the slides
- Part of the Neuroscience and Constellation Monthly Series: Circuits of Emotion and Motivation
– Angela Watrous, Author, Activist, and founder of
The Importance of Honoring DISGUST in Constellations
Before his death, Jaak Panksepp received multiple requests to include DISGUST in his list of circuits. He refused. But the importance of DISGUST for self-knowledge, boundaries and for the integration of healthy SEXUALITY cannot be denied. And when DISGUST has been turned inside out, whole populations are vulnerable to the machinations of tyrants that lead to exclusion, systemic racism and to genocide. The reclamation of healthy DISGUST is the reclamation of personal and systemic balance. Join Sarah Peyton to explore DISGUST in constellations.
This webinar includes a brief introduction to the relational neuroscience of the DISGUST circuit and the way that it can show up and be used in constellations, a small breakout group for exploration, and then a large group constellation. The seeker was selected by a lottery of those who agreed to be recorded for others’ learning.
- 90 minutes
- Purchase includes access to watch and download the recording and review the slides
- Part of the Neuroscience and Constellation Monthly Series: Circuits of Emotion and Motivation
Celebrating SEXUALITY and Emergence in Constellations
While the SEXUALITY circuit is important for physical and relational intimacy, it is also the circuit that moves us out of childhood into our adult lives. It is the circuit of emergence of self, and so it is the circuit that we are most often unknowingly supporting, no matter what our constellations are ostensibly about. With more knowledge, constellation facilitators can track and support the movement of this circuit for their clients. Join Sarah Peyton to explore SEXUALITY in constellations.
This webinar includes a brief introduction to the relational neuroscience of the SEXUALITY circuit and the way that it can show up and be used in constellations, a small breakout group for exploration, and then a large group constellation. The seeker was selected by a lottery of those who agreed to be recorded for others’ learning.
- 90 minutes
- Purchase includes access to watch and download the recording and review the slides
- Part of the Neuroscience and Constellation Monthly Series: Circuits of Emotion and Motivation