Join Sarah Peyton to explore the circuits, what blocks them, how to clear the blocks, and how to enjoy your own emotional strength.
Times are in the Pacific Time zone. To convert to your time, please click here):
The classes will meet via zoom from May 31 through July 26, 2023 8:00 – 9:20am Wednesdays except June 7 and July 5
Recordings will be made available to those who are registered for the live program.
In each 80-minute class, we will:
- Begin with a free writing period
- Explore a relational neuroscience concept connected to the 8 circuits of emotion and motivation and how they impact the ability to express and tell our truth.
- Offer a resonance exercise or demonstration to support the movement toward free expression
- Continue with a second free writing period
- and create space for sharing and resonant responses to each other’s work
Recordings will be available for 3 years. Please download and save all videos you would like to keep by August 1, 2026