Part of a year-long extended journey into Your Resonant Self Workbook, Integrating the Shadow
Contracts that limit our life energy can lead to hopelessness and depression. Without an understanding of the nervous system, people often think these conditions are “laziness.” When this is combined with negative self-talk, it can be toxic. The release of these contracts in these two classes supports the reclamation of movement and agency. Both contract work and resonance skills are needed in this life-changing journey. We also take a look at the attachment contracts that can prevent connection in order to support a movement away from the life-long loneliness that can also be a contributing factor in depression.
Many people live without ever knowing that they have a shadow, let alone knowing that we can bring compassion, understanding, support and a radical self-love to the part of ourselves that is responsible for our contempt, bitterness, envy, pettiness, jealousy, implicit bias and arrogance. When we do bring this compassion to ourselves, our lives and hearts soften, we create connections across differences, we become more aware of how much we love the people in our lives, and we begin to enjoy the moment.
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