How to Befriend and Heal Your Inner Critic

Feb 12, 2020Depression, The Inner Critic

Healing our inner voice begins with understanding what it wants. I recently appeared on Dr. Trevor Blattner’s podcast, The Top 1%, where we spoke about how to use mindfulness, meditation, and resonant language to heal and reclaim access to our brains for purpose and potential. In this audio clip I explain the science behind healing out inner voice, and how our emotions and unconscious drivers originate, and share tips for calming anxious minds and how to befriend and heal your inner critic.

If you want an introduction to the neurobiology of the inner critic (which scientists call the default mode network), where so-called “negative thinking” comes from, why the voices in our heads says bad or harmful things, and how to clear your mind and begin meditating, you might like this interview! Healing our inner voice is possible, but we must offer it resonance. Learn more at the audio link below.

How to Heal the Inner Critic (introducing the Default Mode Network)

by Dr. Trevor Blattner | The Top 1% Podcast

We talk about a range of things, including:

  • Why it’s so important to allow ourselves time to be within our own minds.
  • What makes meditation difficult for some people.
  • How using the right hemisphere of the brain helps us deal with stress.
  • The kinds of language that awaken and engage the right hemisphere.
  • Our two different areas of memory.
  • How to befriend your inner critic.
  • What a healthy stress response looks like—and what keeps us caught in an anxiety hamster wheel.
  • Tips to help workaholics calm their minds.
  • The surprising unconscious motivators that often drive us.
  • How the trauma of past generations affects us—and what we can do to mitigate the impact.
  • Which emotional circuit offers the antidote to stress.
  • The easiest way to get started with meditating and mindfulness.

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About Sarah

Sarah Peyton

Sarah Peyton

Sarah Peyton, international speaker and facilitator, has a passion for weaving together neuroscience knowledge and experiences of healing that unify people with their brains and bodies.

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