Is there an ache inside of you to hear what your voice would sound like if it were in complete congruence with your authenticity?
As a writer or creator of any kind, do you ever notice that the expression coming out of you does not resonate with who you really are? Do you cut yourself off from your deepest truths out of a fear of losing belonging?
You might be bound in invisible spider webs by your past trauma, by your unconscious contracts, and by your lived experience of never really being received with resonance.
Two years ago, Sarah Peyton started to wonder what it would be like to create a consistent class environment where creativity was caught with resonance. That spring, she taught her first creativity and writing class linked with Jaak Panksepps’ systems of emotion and motivation, and began with sexuality and emergence as a starting point.
Wait, how is sexuality linked with writing and creative expression? And what is “emergence,” exactly? We become our authentic adult selves by growing up, and the system that carries the hormones of growth and development is the reproductive system, the home of our sexuality. And the experience of gradually becoming our authentic selves is “emergence.”
This spring we will return to this exploration of the links between satisfying creativity and who we really are with this class.
Each class will include two periods of free writing, a lottery for a writer to read their writing aloud and be received with resonance by the whole group, a short lecture and exercise integrating neuroscience concepts with our theme, and a final experience of sharing writing with one other person, and being received with resonance.
The creative flow in this course will be deep, wide, and transformative: prepare to have an increased ability to bring your voice to life, and develop new strategies to work with what was previously blocked and stuck. Together we will work to lighten and clear the burdens in our relational fields.
March 4 – April 8, 2025
Recordings will be available for 3 years. Please download and save all videos you would like to keep by June 1, 2028
Click the lessons below to watch the recording or to view the access information to attend the live exploration