In each 80-minute class, we will:
- Begin with a free writing period
- Explore the relational neuroscience connected to the seeking circuit, and how it impacts the ability to express and tell our truth.
- Offer a resonance exercise or demonstration to support the movement toward free expression
- Continue with a second free writing period
- Create space for sharing and resonant responses to each other’s work
Over the course of six weeks, we will focus on the seeking circuit, and explore how mobilization and immobilization occur in our bodies through unconscious contract work, time travel, and a deep investigation into the neuroscience of predatory aggression. This exploration will provide each of us tools and thoughtful inquiry into our mobilization and immobilization as writers, artists, and creative livers of life.
The classes will be recorded for participants in many time zones
Recordings will be available for 3 years. Please download and save all videos you would like to keep by January 1, 2027.