What were the qualities of your mother’s shadow self (or your mothering person’s shadow self), and how do they affect you even now? What burdens do you carry in your own shadow that do not actually belong to you, that you are living out for past generations? Do you long to be flexible instead of rigid, kind instead of harsh, calm instead of anxious, gracious instead of awkward, energized instead of paralyzed, successful instead of struggling, or aware instead of unconscious? Did you ever make a promise to yourself to be nothing like your mother, while being simultaneously aware that your mother is in every cell of your prefrontal cortex, stamping and shaping the relationships you have with others and yourself?
In this 29-week beyond-the-book course, focused around Sarah Peyton’s Your Resonant Self Workbook, we will look at the different kinds of unconscious contracts involved in carrying our mother’s shadow (which we do in an attempt to keep ourselves safe, keep our sense of belonging, and save those we love the most.) Join Sarah Peyton for a year of radical, life-changing self-love and love of others.
Thursdays, 10:30am-11:55am Pacific time, December 5, 2024 – November 6, 2025
Recordings will be available for 3 years. Please download and save all videos you would like to keep by January 1, 2029
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