The schedule will be as follows (All times are in the Pacific Time zone. To convert to your time, please click here):
Wednesdays April 12 – May 31 from 5:30-6:55pm Pacific time
In this class series, participants will learn and practice moving into resonance by referencing, practicing and wondering about:
- Attunement and the movement into resonance
- Body sensations
- Feelings and needs
- Fresh metaphor
- Impossible dream guesses
- Poetry and the poetic visual
- Acknowledging what is
- Swearing
- Humor
- I-You language
This class will be taught primarily by Sarah Peyton with Jaya Manske supporting the course. Two of the sessions will be led by Jaya Manske (April 19th and May 10th). Classes will include lecture and breakout sessions to practice resonance skills and build familiarity and confidence.
The classes will be recorded for participants in many time zones, however not available for sale past this series
Recordings will be available for 3 years. Please download and save all videos you would like to keep by June 1, 2026