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What is the root cause of shame? What actions cause us to react to others with shame and how long does it take for our bodies to calm? What is the role of alarmed aloneness in shame? How does everyday stress play a part? What is the impact of our trauma histories on shame and on our relationships? Do we get to relax and laugh in our relationships again? Learn the role implicit memory plays in shame, and how we can use resonance skills to transform shame into relaxation and warmth.


The course will meet via online (zoom video conference). Recordings will be made available.


The schedule will be as follows (All times are in the Pacific Time zone. To convert to your time, please click here)

  • April 26: Friday 5-8 PM
  • April 27: Saturday 9-12 PM, 1-3 PM
  • April 28: Sunday 9-12 PM, 1-3 PM

What to Expect:

Each day we alternate between short lectures on neuroscience concepts, followed by experiential exercises to explore and practice the concepts.

The experiential components of this series will feature skill-building exercises to help you connect to others and yourself, resonant language, unconscious contracts to help you untangle what blocks connection with others, and time travel resonance.

During our first weekend together, we will cover the following topics via lectures interspersed with experiential exercises:

  • The circuits of emotion and motivation
  • PANIC/GRIEF and alarmed aloneness: their relationship to shame
  • Attunement and resonant language
  • Reassurance vs Resonance
  • An introduction to trauma and retraumatization in shame
  • A simple time travel for friends and couples
  • Self-blame 101: Transforming self-blame into mourning
  • Unconscious Contracts and how they lead to shame

Recordings will be available for 3 years. Please download and save all videos you would like to keep by June 1, 2027.

Click the lessons below to watch the recording or to view the access information to attend the live exploration

Cell phone with Your Resonant Self Guided Meditations Audio Book

When we change how we speak to ourselves, we change how our brain works.


Sign up for my Welcome to Resonance Love Letters to learn the key concepts of resonant language. You'll receive free goodies along the way like resonant guided meditations, chapters from my book, and self-exploration exercises.

Lovely, you're in! Check your email for our welcome series :)

Curious about the Resonant Healing Practitioner Certification?

Watch the recording from our live Q+A call from March 26th, 2023.

This recording has the most up-to-date info about the program so you can see if it's right for you! 

Lovely, check your inbox for a link to the recording!

Healing from Betrayal & Abandonment is Possible


Begin the journey of self-resonance by attending the FIRST CLASS FREE on May 31st: Clear Your Circuits - Write from Your Heart: learning the healing practice of resonant writing.

Lovely, you're in! Check your email for a link to attend the free class on May 31st.