March 21, 2025
Module 2: Finding Ourselves in the Web of our Contracts and Loyalties
Once we have begun to understand unconscious contracts, we start to notice how common they are, and how they are the props and supports of every waking moment for most of us. How do we find ourselves in such a world, and how can we look in order to see people’s true selves inside their contracts? During this 1-day, 5-hour class on Family Constellations study and experience, we’ll learn a little bit of relational neuroscience, we’ll do small-group breakouts, and we’ll do one large-group constellation.
Recordings will be available for 3 years. Please download and save all videos you would like to keep by [DATE = 3 YEARS + 1 MONTH LATER ON THE FIRST]
Click the lessons below to watch the recording or to view the access information to attend the live exploration