July 18, 2025
Module 6: Finding our Right Place as Parents/Mentors
One of the most difficult things for us as both parents and mentors is to find our right place in relationship to our children or mentees. Many things keep us stuck trying to get other people’s attention, or to make sure that others are okay, instead of being able to be grounded in our own lives, and instead of simply being able to let the love flow through us. Constellation work teaches us where to locate ourselves, and how to let our attention, and our love, flow through us. This session will explore ways to reposition and open ourselves. During this 1-day, 5-hour class on Family Constellations study and experience, we’ll learn a little bit of relational neuroscience, we’ll do small-group breakouts, and we’ll do one large-group constellation.
Recordings will be available for 3 years. Please download and save all videos you would like to keep by [DATE = 3 YEARS + 1 MONTH LATER ON THE FIRST]
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