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The Broken Mother Field is a non-verbal pattern that all of us always carry with us, like a constant extra “suit of clothes” that other people can climb into if they aren’t fully inhabiting their own “clothes,” and when they are not fully occupying their own bodies. This suit of clothes is stitched by the unhealed traumas our mothers survived, and include pockets full of our mothers’ negative gaze. It provides other people, especially teachers, mentors, therapists, pastors, bosses and other people with power over us with a recipe for how to treat us badly.

The more unhealed trauma in our own and our mothers’ lives, the more powerful our Field is, and the more entrenched our experience of receiving negativity can be.

How can we tell if we have a powerful Broken Mother Field?

We’re looking for repeating patterns in our relationships with people with power over us: being betrayed; dismissed; ghosted; held with contempt; disliked; met with disgust; always being asked to be positive; never being understood; people losing their attentional focus with us and sliding away; being met with hopelessness; or being told that change and healing are impossible.

In the past, people with powerful Broken Mother Fields have been shamed for having them, and have been told that these fields are “projections,” or something that the person is “creating,” rather than holding the practitioners responsible for not fully inhabiting their own selves and slipping into these negative views. Now that Sarah Peyton has started to talk about the Broken Mother Field and with an understanding from neuroscience of the powerful relational fields created by human non-verbals, and of the effect of attentional focus on brains, we can begin to find ways for both parties to move out of blame and into freedom and discovery.

Cell phone with Your Resonant Self Guided Meditations Audio Book

When we change how we speak to ourselves, we change how our brain works.


Sign up for my Welcome to Resonance Love Letters to learn the key concepts of resonant language. You'll receive free goodies along the way like resonant guided meditations, chapters from my book, and self-exploration exercises.

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Curious about the Resonant Healing Practitioner Certification?

Watch the recording from our live Q+A call from March 26th, 2023.

This recording has the most up-to-date info about the program so you can see if it's right for you! 

Lovely, check your inbox for a link to the recording!

Healing from Betrayal & Abandonment is Possible


Begin the journey of self-resonance by attending the FIRST CLASS FREE on May 31st: Clear Your Circuits - Write from Your Heart: learning the healing practice of resonant writing.

Lovely, you're in! Check your email for a link to attend the free class on May 31st.